George Noory
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George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.
500 videos found
Beyond Belief
When Spirits Cross Over with Mark Nelson
Mark Nelson is a psychic who has the ability to help people connect with their loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. He explains how he discovered his abilities and what it is like when spirits communicate with him.
Beyond Belief
Healing Contact Experiences
Laurie McDonald returns to Gaia to speak more about her extraterrestrial contact experiences, which have prompted her work as a clinical hypnotherapist.
Beyond Belief
Ascension Steps From 3D to 6D
What if connecting to our higher self is as simple as one-two-three? Practical mystic Maureen St. Germain outlines a daily, step-by-step practice she developed called The Higher Self Connection.
Beyond Belief
Waves of Karma from Atlantis
How many of us are working off karma from past lives in Atlantis? Hypnotist and past life regressionist Sarah Breskman Cosme shares experiences from her clients.
Beyond Belief
Giants: A World-Wide Phenomena with Brad Olsen
Habitable life on this planet is far older than scientific credit is given and the research of Brad Olsen reveals that hominid life is far more diverse than anyone could have ever imagined. But to protect the accepted narrative of mainstream science, these findings have been quickly swept away.
Beyond Belief
Intergalactic Council for 5D Ascension
Vincent Genna is a psychic medium who has learned to channel messages from extraterrestrial beings. He discusses his experiences of telepathically communicating with ET beings who are part of an intergalactic council working to raise humanity to a higher level of awareness, consciousness, and action.
Beyond Belief
Exploring African Shamanism
Renowned South African filmmaker Lionel Friedberg has worked for many years in television and film, eventually making his way to the United States. He shares his shamanic encounters and explores how each of us can find inspiration to face all beings with greater compassion..
Beyond Belief
Hollywood's Fear of the Paranormal
Paranormal Arts Trainer Kaedrich Olsen explains how similar energies attract and perpetuate paranormal activity and sheds light on cases where horror cinema misses the mark in depicting exorcism, hauntings, and the poltergeist effect.
Beyond Belief
Psychically Locating Human Resonance
Like sonar for a dolphin or bat, Patricia Monna can target a person’s resonance and see their environment through remote viewing and dowsing. As she explains these techniques that have come naturally for her, she reminds us that this can be learned by all.
Beyond Belief
A Pioneering Death Doula
How can we find comfort with the inevitability of death? Death educator Gail Rubin, CT, shares her unique approach to preparing for the end of life. As a Certified Thanatologist, Rubin helps facilitate “good goodbyes” so families can move on without fear.
Beyond Belief
Science Fiction or Future Reality?
Has science fiction predicted the future? Renowned writer Kevin J. Anderson shares his writing process and discusses how the themes of science fiction prepare us for new possibilities,
Beyond Belief
The Keys of Enoch with J.J. & Desiree Hurtak
Inspired by wisdom from interdimensional beings, Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak explain how they discovered the Keys of Enoch to unlock new insights into the nature of humanity and the fate we face.
Beyond Belief
Oracle Cards & Dreaming
Our dreams carry the patterns of our waking lives, and understanding them can help us understand ourselves. Kelly Sullivan Walden is a dream expert and hypnotherapist who uses dream therapy to help her clients access wisdom from their subconscious dreaming minds.
Beyond Belief
Science, Spirituality, the Universe & You
Theresa Bullard discusses how it is possible to observe the world with both a scientific and creative mind. We can tap into archetypal symbols and study mystery traditions that point us toward greater wisdom, peace, and balance.
Beyond Belief
E.T. Activity on Earth with Paola Harris
If aliens from other worlds are here, Paola Harris has been hot on their trail. She highlights some of the key cases that she has investigated over the years, including what she learned from many pivotal figures.
Beyond Belief
Critical Health with Ben Fuchs
We live in times when we are becoming increasingly aware of our susceptibility to illness. Ben Fuchs explains that the best way to deal with all of the events going on is to strengthen your immune system.
Beyond Belief
Living Beyond Near Death with Anita Moorjani
Tapping into and living your purpose can make you feel big & energetic in a way that will become reflected in your body. It took a near death experience for Anita Moorjani to learn how to love her life and passionately pursue her soul’s purpose.
Beyond Belief
Hiding the Ark of the Covenant with Ken Hanson
Why do some people want to keep the Ark of the Covenant hidden? Ken Hanson walks us through some of the holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock, while discussing how archeology in the Holy Land is affected by current geopolitics.
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