George Noory
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George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.
500 videos found
Beyond Belief
The Mojave Abduction Incident with Ron Felber
Ron Felber recounts the tale of a young couple vacationing deep in the Mojave desert where they endured psychological torment at the hands of extraterrestrial captors. After which, they were given a strange and dire warning about the end of our universe.
Beyond Belief
From Hollywood Stuntman to Truth Seeker with Reuben Langdon
From Hollywood stuntman to truth seeker, Reuben Langdon shares his unique insight into the phenomenal nature of our reality. He shares what he has learned concerning channeling, shamanic ceremonies, our simulated reality, and more.
Beyond Belief
Secret Testing Programs with Emery Smith
Cosmic Disclosure’s insider, Emery Smith shares many of his strange experiences from his time working for secret testing programs.
Beyond Belief
Mayans, Dogons & E.T.s
Ancient civilizations were guided by advanced beings who may not have been of our Earth. This is the finding of Jason Martell, who has studied the beliefs of ancient peoples, who tell of visitors from another land guiding the course of their society.
Beyond Belief
Clearing Karmic Debt with Bruce Goldberg
After decades of hypnosis and past life regression with his clients, Bruce Goldberg may have found the answer to connecting with your higher being and clearing out this karma.
Beyond Belief
Séances and Magic with Patti Negri
What if imaginary friends are not imaginary at all, but spiritual beings that we can communicate and work with? Patti Negri helps people contact the spirits of the dead and gain a clearer picture of their lives, with magic for the modern world.
Beyond Belief
The Queen of Numerology with Glynis McCants
Do numbers have special meanings that can give insights to romance, career, and future events? If so what do your numbers mean? Find out what your numbers are and what they reveal with the Numbers Lady, Glynis McCants.
Beyond Belief
Putting Consciousness to the Test with Caroline Cory
Caroline Cory is exploring ways that we can expand the capabilities of our consciousness to affect the world around us. From ESP and telekinesis to the intentional manipulation of molecular structures, she is redefining what it means to be superhuman.
Beyond Belief
Psychedelics Sacred History with Tom Hatsis
Psychedelics have played an important part in humanity’s conscious awakening and our continued spiritual growth. Tom Hatsis shares the forbidden fruits of his research into the sacred history of psychedelics and spirituality.
Beyond Belief
A Hybrid's Story with Kate Thorvaldsen
An experience with an unearthly creature, at age 3, set Kate Thorvaldsen’s life on an amazing trajectory. This was just the first of three major life-changing encounters. She shares her unique perception on paranormal activity across the planet.
Beyond Belief
Your Soul Contract with Dr. Lauren Cielo
You have the power to reach through the veil, beyond the basic five senses, to discover your life’s purpose and the agreements you made before being born. Dr. Lauren Cielo offers simple techniques that awaken your psychic abilities so you can discover your soul contracts and make positive changes.
Beyond Belief
The Suppression of Ascension with William Henry
Throughout the ages, there have been spiritual orders tasked with passing on the secrets of ascension. William Henry introduces us to the history, philosophy, and spiritual practices of the Essenes, Gnostics, and Cathars.
Beyond Belief
How to Read the Akashic Records with Bill Foss
Accessing your Akashic Records empowers you to heal and clear blockages, create ideal relationships and gain divine guidance throughout your life. Bill Foss discusses the many benefits of learning how to read your own great book of life.
Beyond Belief
Speaking with Spirits with James Van Praagh
We all have the ability to reach beyond the veil to communicate with those who have died. It may be easier than you thought and you may already be doing it. Well-known medium James Van Praagh shares how to fine-tune your extrasensory perception to speak with spirits.
Beyond Belief
Communicating with Spirits & Guides with James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh offers a simple technique for discovering and communicating with our guides.
Beyond Belief
20 Years of Healing after 20 Years of Service with Randy Cramer
After his return from 20 years of service with the Secret Space Program, Randy Cramer worked hard to heal from the flood of disturbing memories. He tells his story to encourage others to come forward to reveal their experience and begin healing.
Beyond Belief
Tales from the Flipside with Richard Martini
Richard Martini presents us with a new perspective of the afterlife, based on his documentation of countless Between Life sessions.
Beyond Belief
The Science of Subtle Energy with Dr. Simeon Hein
Originally a skeptic, Dr. Simeon Hein has come to understand that psychic abilities, precognition, and distant healing stem from an ultra-low energy that imbues human beings with special abilities.
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