Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

A Soul's Journey Through Life, Death and Rebirth with Lee Harris
Open Minds
Lee Harris returns to channel the Zs who elucidate upon moments of birth and death from the experience of the soul. While we may have been seeking a universal answer to these mysteries, the Zs reveal that the process of incarnation is unique to every soul.
Give Back the Pain of your Past with Robert Bleck
Open Minds
Robert Bleck discusses a system he developed, called Source Completion Therapy, which helps his clients to heal deep emotional wounds from their past. He explains that we cannot really be open to all the beauty and magic in our lives until we rid ourselves of the emotional toxins obscuring such wonders.
Chakras: Beyond the Basics with Cyndi Dale
Open Minds
Cyndi Dale delves beyond the seven chakras to explore the twelve-chakra system, and elucidates upon functions of the chakras that even the most adept of spiritual student may not know. The chakras project the auric field around the body, connect with spiritual beings and make manifest our desires.
Quantum Jumps with Cynthia Larson
Open Minds
Try to imagine parallel streams of reality in which infinite possibilities are all played out at once. What if you could jump between these realities until you find the optimal one? This is the premise of Cynthia Larson’s work she calls Quantum Jumping.
Extraterrestrial Secrets of the Vatican with Daniel Sheehan
Open Minds
Rumor has long held that deep within the vaults of the Vatican library lie the answers we seek concerning extraterrestrial visitation upon our world. Through legal maneuvering, one man has chanced an encounter with these enigmatic documents, Daniel Sheehan.
Time Traveling Gods of Egypt
Open Minds
New evidence from Ancient Egypt suggests advances were not independently achieved.
Channeling Ascended Beings with Paul Selig
Open Minds
Paul Selig, channeling ascended beings, helps us to move beyond the masks we have been wearing our whole lives, to embrace the unknown, and access the true self that operates in the realm of knowing.
Surviving the Next Mass Extinction with David Christopher
Open Minds
Five times catastrophe has struck our planet and evidence suggests that we are now beginning a sixth cycle of destruction and creation. What is our place in this transition and how can we adapt to a newly emerging world? David Christopher offers sage advice for those seeking the wisdom underlying this turbulent transition.
Sonia Barrett on The Holographic Canvas
Conscious Media Network
Sonia Barrett, author of The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter, discusses how we create our reality, extend our time on Earth, and much more. Join this fascinating ride into the nature of perception.
Bosnian Pyramids
Open Minds
Uncover the mysteries behind pyramids found in Bosnia.
Higher Consciousness through Forgiveness with James V. Hardt Ph.D.
Open Minds
We know precious little about human consciousness. However, a recent discovery has shown a surprising new way that we can dramatically enhance our mental capabilities. Dr. James Hardt explains the neuroscience behind achieving the highest levels of consciousness using love and forgiveness.
UFOlogical Disinformation with Greg Bishop
Open Minds
The field of UFOlogy is imbued with delusion and disinformation run rampant, according to Greg Bishop. What we find will raise more questions and highlight the lengths of deception enacted by government agencies to protect secret programs at military facilities.
Calling for Angelic Guidance with Joan Walker
Open Minds
How are you supposed to connect with spiritual guidance when help is most needed? It is a matter of being centered, calling for light and love from that creator.
Darryl Anka on Channeling Bashar
Conscious Media Network
Daryl Anka channels the extraterrestrial entity known as Bashar. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles and see if they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire.
UFO Sightings
Open Minds
Physician and author Dr. Lynne Kitei discusses her findings on The Phoenix Lights.
Sacred Sites of Consciousness
Open Minds
Sacred sites connect the earth to the sun through magnetic portals.
Channeling THEO: Where Have All the Dragons Gone? with Sheila Gillette
Open Minds
Perhaps fantastical creatures like dragons, mermaids and centaurs, are no longer here, because they are slipping away. Not to the ravages of time, but rather staying in lower-dimensional reality as human beings progress into higher dimensions. Sheila Gillette channels the THEO to find answers.
Soul Contracts and Relationships with Nicolas David Ngan
Open Minds
Your name is the key to understanding your soul contract and how it interacts with another’s. Nicolas David Ngan explains how you can use soul contract work to maximize every relationship in your life.