Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

Interfacing with your Higher Mind with Tiffany Barsotti
Open Minds
From the Reticular Activating System, which may be the seat of conscious awareness, to the functions of the Alta Major chakra, we can reorient our understanding of consciousness by exploring the Theosophical way of balancing energy.
John Kinyon on Nonviolent Communication
Learn how to settle differences peacefully with communication expert John Kinyon.
Genetic Blueprints Across Lifetimes
Open Minds
Could our personalities from past lives try to rectify their experiences in our current lives? Exploring timelines, consciousness, genetic blueprints, and quantum awareness, author Joseph Selbie dives deep into the nature of being.
Laura Alden Kamm on the Shift in Modern Medicine
Hear how Applied Energy Medicine is changing the way we treat disease.
The Authenticity of Self with Nigel Taylor
Open Minds
The New Age movement, no matter how popular it is, seems to have a tough time resolving real-life concerns. Nigel Taylor discusses the conflicting information found throughout various self-actualization movements in order to examine aspects of the authentic self.
Legacy of the Rebel Angels with Timothy Wyllie
Open Minds
Thousands of years ago, two angels broke away from the heavenly order and used ancient civilizations as the battlegrounds for their conflicting philosophies. Timothy Wyllie details channeled information on the great heavenly divide that continues to affect human evolution on a global scale.
Beyond the Autism Spectrum
Open Minds
How do we reach beyond the confines of the autistic spectrum to understand what individuals are experiencing on a multidimensional level? Integration specialist Suzy Miller has been working with clients on the autistic spectrum for over 20 years.
Harmonizing Lower Frequencies
Open Minds
If we stop demonizing lower frequencies, will we harmonize our energetic spectrum?
Open Minds
The metabolic approach to cancer is creating new paradigms of cancer therapies. Dr. Donese Worden discusses these discoveries which seek to understand the causes and effects of cancer, at the metabolic level.
Open Minds
Michael Tellinger, author, scientist, explorer, has become a real-life Indiana Jones.
Gene Keys & Somatic Healing
Open Minds
How can we learn to understand our challenges as gifts? Influencer and podcaster Blu joins Regina Meredith to dive deep into Gene Keys and how these genetic pathways of our DNA are interconnected with our energy fields and fate.
The New Timeline of Humanity
Open Minds
What verified and validated evidence is rewriting history? Piece together the new story of humanity over the centuries with authors and researchers Billy Carson and Matthew LaCroix as they discuss their latest collaborative book, The Epic of Humanity.
Jim Robbins on Why Trees Matter
Hear how trees can curb climate change, clean up toxic waste, even decrease depression.
Five Dharma Types with Simon Chokoisky
Open Minds
By deciphering ancient Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Simon Chokoisky has decoded the Five Dharma Types. This knowledge can give you the insight needed to discover who you are at the core of your being and finally steer your destiny toward true happiness.
Medical Intuition & Human Biofields
Open Minds
How can medical intuition help us break free of standard medical models? Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner Wendie Colter explains how she energetically identifies the underlying, root causes of medical conditions. Learn why science is beginning to support energy healing.
Open Minds
Does the Legacy of the Knights Templar still live on, today? Despite recorded history the Templars were not in pursuit of material wealth, rather they sought to establish an enduring kingdom of consciousness.
Legacy of the Knights Templar and the Kingdom of Consciousness Part 2 with Freddy Silva
Open Minds
Why was the Templar’s vision of Christianity was threatening to the established church? Our conversation with Freddy Silva continues, revealing many of the Templar’s esoteric secrets.
Soul Contracts & Quantum Medicine
Open Minds
Is it possible that a doctor’s treatment can be enhanced by their quantum knowledge?