
Kimba Arem is an international recording artist and engineer, molecular biologist, classically trained musician since age seven and professional performer, subtle energy and music therapist, and a full time spiritual seeker since her transformational wake up call– a near death experience– in 1992.  Since then, she has striven to incorporate what she was shown into her healing work. Her overwhelming realization from that experience was that the direction of cutting edge healing modalities, as well as the nature of reality, incorporates the awareness that at the basis of everything is vibration.  Shortly following the experience, while attending graduate school studying Chinese Taoist Acupuncture and herbs, she was introduced to the ancient idea of using sound as medicine. She has now been practicing music therapy– including various other subtle energy modalities– for over 20 years. Kimba has developed a private practice grown out of her extensive experience and training in sound therapy, multiple forms of energy medicine, herbology, alchemy, homeopathy, nutrition, and supplement therapy. She has incorporated these diverse elements into a multi-dimensional approach to healing. Kimba co-founded an integral health clinic in Colorado called Radiance Health, and sits on the board of directors. Her main offerings include composing and engineering music for CDs and film, book editing, group sound therapy journeys, teaching workshops, and private sound therapy sessions.

Recommended by Kimba.Arem

  • Torah Code and The Divine Matrix
  • Bend a Spoon, Bend Your Mind
  • Sound Healing and Sonic Psychedelics
  • Secret of Water

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