Advance Your Practice: Foundation to Flotation
1 Season . 2 Episodes TV-G

Andrea Marcum leads a series to help you build the strength and stability you need to start your arm-balance journey.

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Core (Preview)

Take your practice to the next level with this focused mini-series to give you the tools you need to Advance Your Practice safely.

Andrea Marcum leads a series to help you build the strength and stability you need to start your arm balance journey. Learn how to untangle poses, like peacock pose, that may seem impossible when starting out. Andrea leverages strengthening exercises for your core, arms and shoulders that will prepare you to safely explore some playful arm balances that can often be incorporated in vinyasa classes.

Teacher: Andrea Marcum
Audio Languages: English, Spanish
Subtitles: English
18 mins TV-G
Cultivate a strong core to provide a foundation in arm balances, such as peacock pose (mayurasana). Build the strength, confidence, and courage to eventually take flight.
14 mins TV-G
In this practice, Andrea helps us to warm the hands and forearms and the rest of our muscles for mayurasana, and there are options for arm balances to give us a taste of where we’re headed.
Trustpilot Logo (2022)

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