The Blood Builder
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What you eat and drink has a significant effect on the blood's capacity to support a strong immune system, so you want to make sure to ingest things that keep the blood clean and responsive.
Serves: 2-3
Why it's so good for you:
Blood is an important factor in immunity, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carrying waste products away from organs. Healthy blood contributes directly to the body's ability to ward off foreign invaders.
(use organic ingredients where possible)
- 1 cucumber
- 2 celery stalks
- 2 limes
- 1 apple
- Fresh ginger
- 1 young coconut (meat and water)
- 1⁄2 avocado
- 1 tsp spirulina
- 1 tsp astragalus
- Pinch of salt
- Juice the cucumber, celery stalks, apple, and ginger.
- Blend the juice with the coconut, avocado, spirulina, astragalus, and salt.
David Wolfe
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