Path of the Ancient Initiates

How can ancient secrets of initiation enhance our spiritual journey today?

Journey with Matías De Stefano along the ancient path of initiation he remembers from thousands of years ago in the land of Khem (ancient Egypt). Drawing on past life memories, Matías details how the temples and pyramids along the Nile River functioned as spiritual technology, preparing initiates for light body activation through deep inner work.

Discover the significance of Orion in the ancient night sky, its influence on the monuments, and its potential role as a portal. Understand the Giza Plateau’s role in this initiatic path and how the Nile’s waters aided spiritual practices. By learning the challenges and benefits of undertaking an initiatic path and the lessons learned along the way, we can use this knowledge to enhance our lives today.

Featuring: Matías De Stefano
Audio Languages: English, Spanish