Spirit Talk
Season 1
. 16 Episodes
World renowned spirit medium James Van Praagh brings us one step closer to heaven by resolving our concerns of the afterlife and offers a bridge to reconnect hearts and souls across the veil.
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Auras and Energy
Mankind has long sought to understand the mysteries of the afterlife and communicate with lost loved ones. As we increase our understanding of the human soul and our place within the universe, we can learn how to make this connection. World renowned spirit medium James Van Praagh brings us one step closer to heaven by resolving our concerns of the afterlife and offers a bridge to reconnect hearts and souls across the veil.
James Van Praagh
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Spirit Talk - Season 1 Episodes
S1 E1 - Auras and Energy
30 minsEveryone radiates an energy pattern that can be perceived as an aura. Before offering soul readings to a live studio audience, James Van Praagh explains how you can detect and read this energy from other people as well as discover your own energy.
S1 E2 - Miracles
38 minsEvery day, people talk about miracles but don’t really understand what they are. James Van Praagh explains, before a live studio audience, how to acknowledge your miracles and how you can reach out with your awareness to recognize when a spirit has come to share your space.
S1 E3 - Forgiveness
50 minsUpon death, we can carry the burdens of our life into the spirit realm if we do not learn to let them go. Forgiveness can be a wonderful blessing for releasing these burdens. James Van Praagh presents a meditation on forgiveness before connecting live studio audience members with spirit.
S1 E4 - Chakras
42 minsChakras are an integral part of the spiritual body. To maintain spiritual health, it is important to know their locations, colors and functions. James Van Praagh explains how to work with the chakras for overall spiritual health before offering spirit readings to audience members.
S1 E5 - Manifestation
39 minsWhether we know it or not, each one of us manifests every aspect of our lives, every day. However, the things we bring forth may not be wanted or useful. James Van Praagh reveals the secrets to successfully aligning intention with manifestation before offering spirit readings to audience members.
S1 E6 - Guides
44 minsJust like death and taxes, another thing that is guaranteed in this life is the presence of spirit guides. Each one of us has a team of specialized spirits that help us through the good and bad times. James Van Praagh offers ways that we can connect and learn from these guides.
S1 E7 - Life after Death
46 minsWe may not want to think about it, but each one of us will die one day. Thus, we tend to fear the inevitable and shy away from trying to understand this transition. James Van Praagh explains what happens to the soul upon the moment of physical death and what we can expect in the afterlife.
S1 E8 - Signs
41 minsFew of us are aware of when our loved ones reach out beyond the veil in an attempt to communicate. Maybe there is a strange tapping, a memorable scent, or even a dream. James Van Praagh explains how we can recognize the subtle signs that spirits use when they are trying to reconnect with us.
S1 E9 - Reincarnation
51 minsYour soul has agreed to encounter many lessons across many lifetimes, often with the same group of souls. James Van Praagh explains the importance of reincarnation and offers a past life regression before connecting live studio audience members with their loved ones on the other side.
S1 E10 - Psychic Abilities
48 minsEach one of us holds the seed of psychic ability deep within the psyche. We call it intuition. It helped our ancient ancestors stay alive and it can help guide you through everyday life. Some people are naturally more sensitive than others, but everyone can tap into and develop this inner knowingness.
S1 E11 - Love and Fear
46 minsFear is the mind killer. It fills our hearts with judgments and doubts, and keeps us from making important connections with our loved ones. Love, on the other hand, is the highest energy we can experience, and love can conquer all fears.
S1 E12 - Psychic Protection
58 minsYour aura indicates your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It can shimmer with the brilliance of vitality or become dulled and cluttered by energy from other people. Thus, spiritual hygiene is just as important as physical hygiene.
S1 E13 - The Soul
51 minsYour soul continues on life after life. In fact, we share many lifetimes with the same group of souls that help each other to learn specific lessons. James Van Praagh explains how you can tune into your soul and discover your life’s lessons before presenting soul and spirit readings to a live studio audience.
S1 E14 - Mindfulness
54 minsEverything that we think and say has an effect on everyone in our lives. It is important for us to know that our thoughts are things and have the power to harm or heal. James Van Praagh reminds us how to be mindful in our interactions with other people, before offering spirit readings before a live studio audience.
S1 E15 - Sun Signs
48 minsThe exact moment of our birth is set so that we gain the advantage of ideal planetary influence. In order to discover the lessons for our lives, we need to look no further than our sign signs. James Van Praagh reveals individual traits and important lessons for each sun sign before giving spirit readings to the live studio audience.
S1 E16 - Mediumship
44 minsEach one of us can learn how to be our own medium and successfully communicate with the spirits. James Van Praagh explains how we can tap into our latent mediumship potential before guiding members of a live studio audience in giving sprit readings to other audience members.
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