Egypt & The Tower of Babel
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Has the lost Tower of Babel been found in Egypt? If this is true, how should we reevaluate accepted stories of our history?
Contrary to the mainstream belief that claims the Tower of Babel is in Mesopotamia, alternative researchers are piecing together evidence suggesting that the Djedefre pyramid of Abu Rawash near Cairo could be the legendary tower. From the Memphite Necropolis to the pyramids of Giza and Dashur, mysteries abound.
Perhaps one of the greatest enigmas is what happened to the exploded Pyramid of Djedefre that overlooks the Giza Plateau. Evidence is coming to light that strongly points to modern-day Cairo as the location for the ancient city of Babylon and this elusive tower.
Theresa Bullard-Whyke,
William Henry,
Andrew Collins,
Hugh Newman,
Freddy Silva,
Gregg Braden,
Timothy Hogan,
Robert Edward Grant and Kaedrich Olsen
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