Fight or Flight - Rewriting Your Stress Response

Learn to rewrite your unconscious response to stress. When danger is present, whether physical (car accident, etc.) or perceived danger (relationship worries, financial concerns), the body kicks on a series of physiological responses that induce stress and protection for the body. This activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. The endocrine system then releases the stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone induces emotions like worry, fear, and anger, all resulting in stress. Through conscious breath work, structured concentration, and practice in moving through perceived “danger” we can learn to shift our stress responses so we are no longer subject to our feelings of anxiety and unrest.

Props: 2 blocks, blanket, strap, eye pillow

Music by Preston Pierce.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English