Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Uma (Ashleigh) is Wyld’s mamma, a yogini, beloved partner, mystic, eternal student, and lover of the goddess. She has been teaching therapeutic yoga, meditation and philosophy since 2005. Uma began a dedicated self-practice at a very young age in the pursuit of healing a spinal condition. Now, emerging from a traumatic transition into motherhood: a month-long induced coma and re-learning how to walk, her fiercely loving passion, capacity, and skillset for healing through embodiment are unparalleled. Grounded in a solid foundation of ancient teachings, Uma’s offerings are a practical and comprehensive exploration of the mystical, energetic and contemplative practices of the yoga tradition.
73 classes found
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Neck Soother
Free your neck and shoulder girdle from looking at your devices by working on both strengthening and opening your whole chest area.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Create Space for Emotional Wellbeing
This is a slow and sweet Hatha practice that creates space through every layer of the being. Plan on moving slowly and using the breath to assist each pose in creating more space in the body, and thus our emotions. End in seated meditation.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Make Space for Your Baby
Create space for your growing baby with postures that open and widen your side body, abdomen, and back body. Finish with some yummy breathing.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
No Multi-Tasking
Begin in savasana to bring awareness and attention to a single point. This practice focuses on the pelvic floor and concentrated abdominal work with carefully guided and specific movements. Close with seated breathwork and savasana to draw your attention inward.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Lifted Awareness
All about the pelvic floor, this class is geared towards all women looking to gain greater awareness, connection, and tone in the pelvic floor muscles. Strong and supple pelvic floor muscles support the function of the bladder, uterus, and bowel and are connected with healthy elimination as well as sexual functionality.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Evening Yin Wind Down
Transition from the stimulation of a busy day into preparation for a deep and restful sleep with this yin-style practice including long, steady holds of grounding and nourishing floor-based poses.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
What Doesn't Bend Breaks
Dynamic stretching is the name of the game in this mostly supine practice. Lubricate your low back and hip joints while lying on the ground. Finish with some twists and a powerful release for your sacrum.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Yin for Stress Relief
This advanced yin practice begins with an extended hold in standing forward fold at the wall. Continued variations of side bends and forward folds can help provide relief for an overactive mind.
Props Required: Wall and Two Blocks (Two blankets optional)
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Fire Up Your Legs
Activate your lower body with a leg focused class. Find stability in your joints and breathe strength into your muscles.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Hip and Shoulder Tonic
Rejuvenate your shoulder and hip joints with a variety of movements to help lubricate and strengthen. Move between dynamic movements and static holds to restore vitality to these overused areas.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Balanced Mind, Harmonious Heart
A practice for women to promote a healthy mental state and relieve anxious or stagnant energy in the head, neck and shoulders. Drop into a more balanced and harmonious place in your heart center through this easeful practice.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Foot Soother
Release tension in your feet with this simple and effective practice. The results of creating space between the bones and support for arches will be felt throughout your entire body.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Morning Root to Rise
Start the day off with energy and positivity with a focus on hip and low back stability. Methodically explore a series of standing poses designed to create strength and connection to your center.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Move the Pitta Flow
Calm internal heat by first greeting it with strong, slow movement, then slowing down to find cool balance. This practice will help you use the power of heat to move stagnant energy and release excess fire.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Balance in Motion
Cultivate a state of internal balance in the midst of movement. Explore transitions and balancing postures, such as side plank and airplane pose to develop strength and steadiness.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Center Your Morning
Energize and mobilize your spine with this morning practice. Awaken your breath, activate your core and charge your legs, so you can begin your day centered in connection and strength.
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