New Understandings of the Great Pyramid

Our scholars of ancient history present a new theory concerning the Great Pyramid of Giza that you may not be familiar with. The greatest secret may not be in its construction, but as a powerful device which enabled the rebirth of Osiris as Horus. Its shape and location harbor mathematical constants, only recently discovered, that can be found throughout nature and across the universe. Such secrets may have been known to Nikola Tesla who sought to tap into the electromagnetic currents of the earth to bring limitless electrical power to the world. Combining ancient and modern knowledge, with the enduring tales of Enki and Enlil, we may see the extent of their power struggle with the death and rebirth of Enki, as Osiris/ Horus.


✓ Pyramid Power – Nikola Tesla knew of the power of pyramids and their sacred forms, and made use of their geometry through geography to generate electricity. ✓ Music of the Spheres – Researchers point to a connection between the primal tones of the universe and the creation of form in the physical world. ✓ Death and Resurrection of Enki – Historians tell of the death of Enki (Osiris) and of the Great Pyramid built to access powerful universal forces for his resurrection as Horus. ✓ Hidden Geometry – Academics point to the secret geometry of the Great Pyramid to unlock the code of universal constants.

Featuring: Jack Cary, Billy Carson, Graham Hancock, Anton Parks, Robert Schoch, Andrew Collins, Robert Bauval
Audio Languages: English, Spanish, German, French
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, German