Time & Space Within the Soul

How do the mind, soul, and oversoul uniquely experience time and space?

Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, elaborates on the differences between how time and space are experienced by the physical mind, the soul, and the oversoul. Through captivating insights and inspiring language, Bashar guides us in uniting these three perspectives to transform our experience of physical reality. Anka’s finely tuned connection with Bashar creates a powerful flow of wisdom that can profoundly change our lives and the world around us.

Anka began connecting with Bashar in the 1980s. With a deep understanding of our physical reality, Bashar has inspired millions to embrace the power of being conscious creators of their own reality.

Featuring: Darryl Anka / Bashar
Audio Languages: English, Spanish
Subtitles: English