Cosmic Disclosure
Season 25 . 10 Episodes TV-PG

With mainstream disclosure of UAP and UFO evidence, how can we prepare for what comes next? Cosmic Disclosure explores our intergalactic connections from secret space programs and breakaway civilizations, to extraterrestrial contact experiences, ancient alien technology, and time travel.

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Cosmic Disclosure (Preview)


With increasing mainstream disclosure of UAP and UFO evidence, how can we prepare for what comes next?

Cosmic Disclosure explores our intergalactic connections from secret space programs and breakaway civilizations, to extraterrestrial contact experiences, ancient alien technology, and time travel. Listen to government whistleblowers and insiders including Richard Doty, John Lear, Mike Herrera, and many more.

Join our intelligence operatives and contactees as they piece together compartmentalized narratives that have been kept secret from the public.

Host: Emery Smith
Featuring: Victoria Whitney, Richard Doty, Randy Cramer
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, German, Spanish
36 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
What plans are ETs making for humanity to live off-planet? Could a futuristic biosphere already be in the works, preparing for our arrival?
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
Why are Andromedans building bioships for other civilizations, and what impact does this have on the Galactic Federation?
36 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
How are the Pleiadians and the Orions guiding humanity toward ascension and unity with the Galactic Federation?
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Doty
Why would ETs leave an advanced craft on Earth? Could it be an invitation to connect with an ancient civilization on the moon?
28 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Doty
What did an ET confrontation in the South Indian Ocean reveal about Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) and an aquatic-based civilization?
32 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Randy Cramer
What really happened at Miami Bayside Mall? Did a Naval Space Commander open a portal to remove three nine-foot-tall ETs?
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Randy Cramer
Why is a vast underground computer network reactivating sacred sites around the globe? Could this signal that full disclosure is closer than realized?
32 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
What sacred practices do the Arcturians use to maintain their intergalactic status as one of the most advanced ET races?
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Victoria Whitney
As the Draconians and Serpent beings conspire, a great evil looms on the horizon. What path does humanity need to take in order to unite and prevail in this galactic war?
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Doty
How did a Quataloid ET manage to escape from S2 Anix North at Papoose Lake?