Spring Cleansing with Kriya, Asana and Pranayama

Spring Cleansing with Kriya, Asana and Pranayama

Spring has arrived once again and joyfully we begin to see budding flora & blooming fauna as they come out of winter’s hibernation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is related to this fresh and vibrant season in which it is strongly influenced by. It’s a great time to assist the body in its natural cleansing process by toning and strengthening the liver organ so it can efficiently process and remove toxins from the body. This in turn will help to strengthen other body systems such as the immune, digestive & endocrine systems which will help to increase energy levels, promote radiant & vibrant skin, maintain healthy weight for your body type as well as promote a deep sense of peace & well being.

There are many ways in which we can support the body to reach and maintain optimal health & wellness, exercise, nutrition, relaxation and a healthy positive attitude…to name a few! Here are a few tips on using kriya, yoga asana and pranayama for toning, cleansing and strengthening the entire body and mind:

3-Part Breath – Dirga Pranayama

A deeply cleansing & grounding breath, helps to balance emotions, move stagnancy out of lungs, increases lung capacity, purifies toxins from the blood.

*Incorporate this breath several times throughout the day to focus attention to the present moment.*

Kapalabhati Breath – Breath of Fire

Cleanses the lungs & entire respiratory system, increases lung capacity, increases oxygen throughout entire body, massages digestive system improving overall function, purifies blood, brings balance into sympathetic and para-sympathetic parts of the nervous system, stimulates normal functioning of the endocrine system and tones abdominal muscles.

*Beneficial for those who experience seasonal allergies.*


Twisting poses release tension in the body, improve digestion, help to “wring” out toxins from the spine and other internal organs, tone the spinal nerves and improve the functioning of the spinal cord, flushing & cleansing action of the kidneys & liver, brings balance into the nervous system, massages & tones abdominal organs making it helpful to eliminate constipation, brings balance into the adrenal glands & hormone production, beneficial for menstrual disorders, improves round shoulders.

*Twists energize the body and can help give a boost when feeling sluggish or tired.*


Face, head, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen & low back) – boosts the immune system by increasing production of T-cells, reduces stress, energizing, increases focus, promotes strength & vitality, balances left of right hemispheres of the body.

*Tapping is a great “pick-me-up to increase focus and rejuvenate the body & mind”.*

Neti Kriya

Enhancement of olfactory senses, loosens and flushes dried mucous, dust and other pollutants in nasal cavity, reduces frequency & severity of colds & sinusitis.

*Neti Kriya is a beneficial practice for those who experience symptoms from asthma, allergies, sinusitis & hay fever.*

Cat & Cow Pose

Cat and cow pose massages and stimulates internal organs for increased digestion & detoxification, opens chest cavity for increased lung capacity, helps to expel stagnant matter from the lungs.

*If you feel the urge to cough while practicing this movement, allow yourself to do so to remove excess mucous from the lungs.*

Forward Bends – Uttanasana & Paschimottanasana

Forward bends massage abdominal organs, stretch & strengthen the spine bringing balance into nervous system, regulate digestion, menstruation & body temperature, calm & soothe the mind.

*Tones organs responsible for urination, defecation, ejaculation, menstruation and child birth.*

Shoulder Stand – Salamba Sarvangasanam

Shoulder stand pose stimulates blood and lymph flow to enhance detoxification, carries new blood to liver & kidneys which assists in increased detoxification, activates pituitary and pineal glands synergizing them to balance hormone levels in the body, increases blood circulation to the brain which will promote higher levels of concentration and mental sharpness.

*Because of the many benefits to this pose it is considered the “Queen of Asanas”.*


Meditation is a subtle yet powerful practice to assist with cleansing & purification of body & mind, increases blood flow, decreases muscle tension, enhances energy, strength & vigor, increases focus & concentration, promotes self confidence, increases communication between the two brain hemispheres, grows a stable, more balanced personality, helps keep things in perspective, helps us tune into the present moment and experience a sense of “oneness”.

*Meditation can be practiced by anyone regardless of spiritual or religious practices, age, or gender.*


Join Gaiam TV for the Conscious Cleanse!

Join us as we go through a 14-day clean eating and yoga challenge. We’ll guide you through a journey of personal growth and transformation using clean, from-the-earth nutrition paired with detoxing yoga practices from the best yoga teachers around.

No calories to count, no supplements to buy. This is a back-to-the-basics approach to simplify all of the things you put into your body – nutrition, exercise, and thoughts.

Yoga Breathwork for Quick Sinus Relief

4 Minute Pranayama Kapalbhati Breathing Tutorial

Though it may seem counter-intuitive, breathing is another practice that can alleviate sinus discomfort. Try the following practices with a calm and relaxed demeanor, focusing on keeping your prana moving smoothly. You may wish to blow your nose, or better yet, use your neti pot before you try these exercises.

Belly Breathing

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands on your belly. Breathe deeply into the belly, focusing on expanding the belly like a buddha, then draw the breath and energy up through your ribs, chest and shoulders. Exhale the same way, deflating your belly, chest and shoulders, and squeezing all the air out of your belly. Find your own rhythm.

Calming Breath

Sit comfortably. Bring your right hand out in front of you, palm facing you. Fold your index and middle fingers into the palm. Place your ring finger on your left nostril to close it off. Breathe into the right nostril for two counts. Close off the right nostril with the thumb and hold the breath for two counts. Release the left nostril, exhale for two counts. Close off the left nostril and hold the breath for two counts. Try visualizing a square. If it feels uncomfortable to hold the breath, simply pause instead. Increase the count as you become comfortable, making sure that you are doing equal counts for each action.

Breath of Fire

In this practice, hold your hand over your navel, and practice forcefully exhaling out the nose repeatedly. Your belly should be pumping in and out. The force of the exhale will naturally draw in a new breath, so there is no need to inhale consciously. You may start this practice by gently panting, but it is important to eventually speed up the pace of this breath in order to stoke the “fire” of the breath.


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