Gloria Latham

Gloria Latham

Best known for her yoga detox workshops and yoga raves, Gloria Latham is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT 500) at the 500 hour level with yoga Alliance and is Director of Yoga Teacher Training at Semperviva Yoga College.

Her Kundalini yoga classes are a dynamic, powerful, fast paced and effective form of yoga, designed to stimulate the nervous system, glandular system and the immune system.

Gloria Latham found her passion for Kundalini yoga when she discovered how immediate the benefits of the practice are. Her commitment and drive has led her to open four Semperviva Yoga Studios in Vancouver, and to lead retreats and teacher trainings on the island of Kythira in Greece, her favorite place to practice and island home. It is her dream to continue to take students to this magical island so they can experience the power of yoga, combined with the rugged passionate, raw energy of the Greek Islands for a truly transformative experience.

Using her personal studies into all styles of yoga with some of the world's finest teachers including Gurmukh, Mark Whitwell, Rolf Gates, Shiva Rea, Dharma Mittra, Max Strom and Seane Corn, Gloria Latham aims to center the mind and open the spirit with her classes. Benefits of her classes include weight control, relief from stress and insomnia, enhanced creativity, lymphatic cleansing, liver detoxification, balancing the heart and mind, and developing will-power. Each Kundalini yoga class includes centering oneself with a mantra, warm up, a specific yoga postures set, deep relaxation and meditation.

32 classes found

Gloria Latham
Work with the energy of the third eye, the sixth chakra, to become more clear about change. With powerful breathing and cleansing movements, learn how to be calm and fearless.
Gloria Latham
This fast-pace kundalini class from Gloria Latham will get you energized, develop your strength, and give you the tools to accept joy in your life.
Gloria Latham
In this Kundalini yoga class, Gloria Latham takes you through a set of movements with breath work (kriya) intended to strengthen and open your heart center.
Gloria Latham
Detoxify your body while stimulating and enhancing your intuition.
Gloria Latham
This set with Gloria Latham is designed to strengthen the immune system. This video is part of the Sleep and Immunity Practice Guide.
Gloria Latham
This morning practice with Gloria Latham will energize you to be fully awake and fully present for your day and for you life. You have the power within you to choose how to go through your days, and how to go through your life. Your life is made up of the choices you make. Wake up to your life by making better choices.
Gloria Latham
Close your eyes as you travel inward to surrender and unlock your creativity and passion. Move through a brisk sequence powered by your breath as you connect to the strength within you.
Gloria Latham
In this energetic and powerful kundalini practice, strengthen and tone your entire body as you move through fast paced standing movements and breathwork. Raise your heart rate and energy levels to boost your endurance and spirit.
Gloria Latham
Using the Mantra of New Beginnings, Sa-Ta-Na-Ma, Kundalini Yoga Master Gloria Latham instructs a detoxifying and meditative sequence that will illuminate your inner light.
Gloria Latham
Work your core and your capacity to commit in this strengthening and stress relieving practice. Ease away from tension in your body while engaging in powerful pranayama breathing.
Gloria Latham
Even if you only have half an hour, this powerful Kundalini yoga flow with Gloria Latham will help you let go of what’s weighing you down, free yourself from mental and physical restriction and work your body and your mind. Work your core, legs, arms and heart, and stretch and strengthen your spine. Contraindication: if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or heart or lung issues, check with your doctor before performing Breath of Fire. Try long deep breathing instead.
Gloria Latham
This short Kundalini practice with Gloria Latham will develop core strength; it also works with strengthening and clarifying the third (manipura) Chakra and a mantra for prosperity.
Kundalini Yoga Strengthen and Open the Heart
Gloria Latham
A short kundalini style practice to increase your heart rate and build strength in the nerves and muscles in and around your heart. Expect to do exercises (kriyas).
Gloria Latham
This short Kundalini practice has an emphasis on exercises and breathing techniques designed to refresh, cleanse, and nourish the adrenal glands which respond to stress. The practices finishes with a short meditation and the mantra "sat nam."