Building Resilience

Lifestyle changes can shift your consciousness and enable you to take control of your genetic expression.

Recognized leader in epigenetics, Dr. Bruce Lipton is a stem cell biologist and bestselling author of The Honeymoon Effect and The Biology of Belief. In 1982, Dr. Lipton integrated quantum physics principles into his research on how cell systems process information. His revolutionary discoveries presaged one of today’s most important fields of study — epigenetics.

He explains that lifestyle changes can shift your consciousness and enable you to master your genes. You are naturally resilient and your own greatest healer. Learn to let go of others' beliefs and adopt more empowering ones of your own.

For long-term stress management, remember:

✓ Fuel your body with nutritious foods and ensure you get adequate, restful sleep to support overall well-being and resilience against stress ✓ Incorporate meditation into your routine to cultivate inner calm, enhance mental clarity, and manage stress more effectively ✓ Actively work on identifying and reframing negative thought patterns to promote a more positive and balanced mindset ✓ Use dietary supplements as needed to ensure your body receives essential nutrients that may be lacking in your diet, supporting optimal health and stress resilience ✓ Establish and maintain consistent healthy habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress-reducing practices, to build a strong foundation for long-term stress management

Home play: Small lifestyle changes made consistently over time give us the best chance for success. Choose one new habit you want to establish in the next 30 days and track your progress.

Featuring: Dr. Bruce Lipton
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English