Moving the Body

Shift your chemical responses to stress and boost your confidence with the victory pose or shamanic shaking medicine.

Ben Stewart is a US-based filmmaker and musician. He is the creator of Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica, Ungrip, and Waking Infinity, and he is the host of Gaia Original Series Psychedelic and Limitless.

He explains that while modern stresses differ from ancient ones, our body's chemical responses remain the same. Our body has an innate wisdom that prompts us to tremble, releasing the adrenaline from our stressful experiences. By using shaking medicine and power postures, we can heal, achieve a calm state, and feel victorious over our challenges.

In addition to this simple and effective practice, you’ll experience:

✓ Learning to recognize, acknowledge, and release emotions stored in your body, leading to a deeper sense of emotional balance and well-being ✓ Reconnecting with the innate knowledge and healing power that your body holds, tapping into ancient practices that have been used for centuries ✓ Achieving a harmonious balance between your physical self, mental state, and the flow of time, fostering a sense of wholeness and alignment in your life ✓ The enduring benefits of this practice, as the positive changes and healing effects continue to resonate in your daily life, enhancing your overall health and resilience

Home play: The next time you feel stressed, take a moment to practice a few minutes of shaking. Visualize the energy moving out of your body and allow yourself to fully release it. At the end of your practice, raise your hands in the air and acknowledge yourself for breaking the pattern and transmuting stress.

Featuring: Ben Stewart
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English