Creating Coherence

Align your focus, breath, and emotions into a state of coherence, empowering you to navigate daily stress more effectively and co-create a reality that's in harmony with your desires.

Gregg Branden is a five-time New York Times bestselling author, scientist, and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy, and human potential. His original research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events.

He explains that slowing your breath can initiate healing and rejuvenation. This practice sets the stage for heart and brain harmony, known as coherence. It takes just three minutes to anchor into this state, and you can practice it anywhere.

During this profound practice, focus on:

✓ Cultivating feelings of gratitude, care, compassion, and appreciation, allowing these positive emotions to guide your experience ✓Immersing yourself in the moment, paying close attention to your sensations, thoughts, and feelings without distraction ✓ Maintaining a steady, mindful breathing pattern, letting your breath anchor you in the practice and enhance your state of coherence ✓ Embracing and savoring the positive energy you create, letting it permeate your being and enhance your overall sense of well-being ✓ Solidifying the positive feelings and sensations you experience, creating a mental and emotional anchor that you can return to in the future whenever needed

Home play: Incorporate this 5-minute exercise into your morning routine. Begin by shifting your focus, then adjust your breath, and finally, tune into your feelings. Observe how this practice makes you feel at the end and notice the gradual shifts over time.

Featuring: Gregg Braden
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English