Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is a powerful teacher of applied spiritual wisdom, known for her capacity to kindle meditative states in others, and to help students work with meditative experience as a framework for practical life-change. She teaches teleclasses, retreats, and workshops, appearing at conference centers such as Esalen and Kripalu. Sally is the author of ‘Meditation for the Love of It’, which Spirituality and Health magazine called ‘the meditation book your heart wants you to read.’ She writes a regular column, ‘Wisdom’ for Yoga Journal, as well as a column called ‘Meditation for Life’ on the Internet religious site

A former swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally’s teachings combine deep knowledge of the texts of yoga and tantra with practical wisdom from contemporary psychology and integral thought.

Sally’s latest book, Awakening Shakti, gives you access to powerful tools for tuning in to the transformative power of the sacred feminine.

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500 classes found

Lauren Lewis
A warming flow to strengthen and lengthen hip flexors. This fluid sequence is designed for those who have or might develop tension from sitting for long periods. Work to unlock tension with slow flow and repetitive, accessible movements.
Lauren Lewis
Build stamina by approaching your edges while staying tuned in to your breath. Cultivate ample heat through this twist-heavy sequence, then enjoy a gentle cool down to integrate the efforts.
Nichole Golden
A sweet, grounding, deceptively challenging class intended to help strengthen mental and emotional durability. Begin with low-intensity poses lying down and gradually build intensity, working toward half and full splits.
Steph Schwartz
Slow down with this soothing practice for women to help relieve tension and discomfort at the beginning of your cycle. Begin lying on your back in a gentle twist, then move through lunges and gentle backbends and forward folds.
Taylor Harkness
Tight hips holding you back at the crag? Use this practice regularly to work into the lower body and help smooth out your climbing. Includes targeted movements for the outer hips, hip flexors, hamstrings, and inner leg line.
Jafar Alexander
A large part of play (lila) is the attitude you bring instead of the one you wait for. Explore the concept of play in your practice today with a willingness to step into your curious ability to customize the experience through fluid movement.
Dayna Seraye
Celebrate the longest day of the year and the illuminating power of the sun in this uplifting summer solstice practice. This well-rounded, active practice includes options for challenging pose variations such as wild thing, side plank, and flowing side lunges. Take what works for you today, and enjoy the celebration of the sun!
Steph Schwartz
Whether you feel ready for full splits pose or not, this flow will open up your hips, hamstrings, and quads to help you along the journey. Begin seated to chant the bija mantra (seed sound) YAM, and tap into your superpower, then warm up the hips and spine in table top, and move toward Hanumanasana. Complete the practice with a personal mantra to remind you of your awesomeness.
Nico Luce
This back-bending practice strengthens the back, opens the front, and prepares the body for camel pose. The chest is the center of our emotional self and making space in that area is a metaphor for having the courage to face the challenges of daily life with openness and sensitivity.
Tiffany Bush
Start your day with a foundation of gratitude as you flow through stretchy shapes and fluid movement. Begin by playfully shaking your body, then flow through sun salutations, and end with a sweet meditation.
Steph Schwartz
A well-rounded flow to bring ease and rejuvenation to the body, mind, and spirit. Start lying down to explore twists, then move into standing poses for a balanced full body practice.
Jafar Alexander
Explore forward folds and long, lengthening holds with the intention of gently opening up your hamstrings and back body. Take time to soften and notice what happens when tension dissipates.
Taylor Harkness
A class designed to give your tired back a break. Gently move and stretch this all-too-often stiff region in the body by work all areas surrounding the low back.
Tiffany Bush
Explore the stability of triangle variations to invite power in your body and mind with this strong, fluid practice. Strengthen your core and legs to engage with triangle-based poses, then find a moment of rest to integrate the practice.
Dayna Seraye
Work out headache-related tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back with accessible, fluid movements, and deep exhales. A great seated practice for midday or when dealing with stressful circumstances.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Calm internal heat by first greeting it with strong, slow movement, then slowing down to find cool balance. This practice will help you use the power of heat to move stagnant energy and release excess fire.
Nico Luce
A gentle yin practice focused on backbends to invite openness and to welcome whatever shows up. Move through long holds to create space in the front of the body.
Nichole Golden
Prepare the body for a beautiful, restful, deep slumber. All poses help to decompress the nervous system and regulate the sleep/wake cycles.