Kreg Weiss

Kreg Weiss

With an extensive background in anatomy and physiology, Kreg Weiss is not only a certified Yoga Teacher but is also certified in Kinesiology (Exercise Science).

Every single one of his classes integrates a purposeful, meditative quality, which allows an experience of connection and mental reflection - all while the body explores expansion and renewal.

Following several successful years of venturing in the wellness industry as a personal trainer, group fitness trainer, and national competitive athlete, Kreg Weiss received his certification in yoga in 2002. He feels privileged to be able to empower his students with practices that are educational and engaging, all while being accessible. Soon after becoming a teacher, Weiss decided to expand his knowledge of the human body at University of British Columbia where he studied both Kinesiology and Health Sciences.

In 2004, Kreg Weiss' passion for yoga led him to co-create, allowing him to share his love of yoga with people around the globe. Through integrity-driven classes, Weiss aims to provide students with the tools they need in order to pursue a one of a kind, confident practice, where asanas, pranayama, and meditation interact collectively to rejuvenate and heal the body and mind.

51 classes found

The Balanced You
Find a sense of groundedness in this slow and deliberate practice to establish a firm connection with the earth through gentle movement, pranayama (breath work), and restorative postures. Our breath plays a powerful role in bringing our minds and bodies into a state of calm presence. When we sync our breath with our body's movements, that's where the real magic happens.
Kreg Weiss
This slow flow hatha practice from Kreg Weiss will allow you to drop in and be present to your own body. Allow the fluid movements to liquefy any resistence to the presence as you flow with your breath.
Kreg Weiss
Awaken your body and mind as you practice a slow variation of sun salutations, building space, alignment, and integrity. Rejuvenate the front and back lines of the body while maintaining a meditative tone.
Kreg Weiss
An ideal yoga practice on or off the mat, this standing mini-flow targets spinal range of motion and takes the final warmth into a hamstring release.
Patience and Discernment Mudra Flow
Kreg Weiss
Enjoy a pause in your day to savor time and to slow down with Kreg Weiss. Embrace the beauty of patience with this meditative hatha flow that brings in a variety grounding mudras (energy seals). Find your breath, find your sanctuary.
Kreg Weiss
Breathe in clarity and space as you flow through a series of standing poses, balances and transitions aimed at drawing attention inwards while also circulating energy throughout the body and mind.
Kreg Weiss
This moderate level hatha yoga flow from Kreg Weiss targets tension and imbalances in the lower body often incurred by those who are active. Enjoy easing freedom and fluidity into the hips, thighs, hamstrings, and calves after a light warming sequence. We will also explore some balancing exercises designed to challenge the musculature of the feet and ankles while enhancing coordination and proprioceptive skills. This video is part of our Yoga for Athletes Guide.
Kreg Weiss
As Kreg Weiss explains, many of our daily activites are dominated by chronic hip flexion, resulting in tension balances across the hips and spine.This energizing hatha flow offers a functional approach to engaging the core while breaking down habitual posture imbalances. Fire up your core and elongate the lines of resistance making your practice ignite with intelligence. This video is part of our Yoga for Athletes Guide.
Kreg Weiss
Just as our minds need rest, sometimes so do our hands and wrists. Engage your hips in this yoga flow designed to keep your hands free from any loading or pressure.
Kreg Weiss
Move through all ranges of spinal motion in this grounding and opening practice. Through twists, spinal strengthening movements, and bends, ease tension in your spine and encourage mobility.
Kreg Weiss
In this efficient and invigorating yoga flow, Kreg Weiss instructs Rick Coe through a mini-routine of standing side bends, twists, and forward folds to increase your energy and vitality.
Kreg Weiss
Give your wrists a break in this intermediate class with Kreg Weiss. This Hatha flow class focuses on minimizing loading onto wrists while exploring the hips and pelvis. 
Kreg Weiss
Practice yoga without putting stress on your wrists.
Kreg Weiss
Tighten your core with a slow, deliberate yoga practice.
Back Bend into Serenity
Kreg Weiss
Explore postures designed to open the front lines of the body, including alternative backbends and variations. Energizing and warming, this flow opens up a space for true relaxation.
Kreg Weiss
Enliven your body and mind with refreshing energy and renewed circulation. This short flow is designed for small spaces and can be done without a mat – an ideal yoga practice to bring with you on the road.
Kreg Weiss
Begin with a seated meditation to set your intentions of gratitude, then move through simple heating postures and various hip and chest opening poses to find a quiet place of reflection.
Kreg Weiss
End your day with ease, moving through gentle balancing poses and spacious hip opening shapes. Practice slowing down with supine poses designed to release your low back and legs.