Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is a powerful teacher of applied spiritual wisdom, known for her capacity to kindle meditative states in others, and to help students work with meditative experience as a framework for practical life-change. She teaches teleclasses, retreats, and workshops, appearing at conference centers such as Esalen and Kripalu. Sally is the author of ‘Meditation for the Love of It’, which Spirituality and Health magazine called ‘the meditation book your heart wants you to read.’ She writes a regular column, ‘Wisdom’ for Yoga Journal, as well as a column called ‘Meditation for Life’ on the Internet religious site

A former swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally’s teachings combine deep knowledge of the texts of yoga and tantra with practical wisdom from contemporary psychology and integral thought.

Sally’s latest book, Awakening Shakti, gives you access to powerful tools for tuning in to the transformative power of the sacred feminine.

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500 classes found

Nico Luce
Build well-rounded upper body strength and shoulder stability through this flow full of arm balances. Set aside past experiences with these challenging poses and invite a sense of play into your yoga education and practice. Begin with strengthening in preparation for arm balance variations, then close the practice with slow restorative-style poses and a long savasana.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
An effective practice to activate the deep abdominals and core stabilizer muscles along the spine and side body using traditional yoga asana combined with dynamic strength-based sequences. Move through lying on your back, kneeling, standing, and side plank shapes.
Steph Schwartz
Combine equal parts strengthening and stretching in your outer hips and glutes as a compliment to your running activities. Work on external rotation, hip joint mobility, as well as tension release in your calf muscles. Make this your go-to daily run companion.
Tiffany Bush
A practice for rock climbers to bring flexibility to your hip joints and space in your low back. Low lunges to open your psoas (a deep hip flexor) with hip circles to lubricate your joints. Sneak a little core work and heat in there too!
Colleen Saidman Yee
A chair yoga practice for the whole body. Practice at home, in the office, or during a study break with this accessible practice full of spinal movements, balancing, hip stretches, and overall strengthening. Close the practice with gentle, restorative poses to release stress.
Taylor Harkness
A practice for mental spring cleaning. Calm your mind, move your body, and make space for new beginnings.
Nico Luce
In this practice, find longer, soothing holds of several postures to flush out tension in the hips and release the lower back.
Nichole Golden
Harness the energy of spring with this mindful practice by using intention and movement as a means of planting and nourishing sacred seeds for positive growth. Includes gentle backbends, lunges, and balancing poses.
Rodney Yee
Take a break from your computer with a gentle practice to release tension in the hands and wrists. Begin seated in a chair or on the ground for shoulder movements, then come to standing sun salutations, and back down to the ground for plank pose, kneeling movements, and close with seated mudras (hand gestures).
Dayna Seraye
Promote strength and vitality that will last all day. Great for nurses, teachers, desk-workers, or anyone else who wants to reset posture and counter the effects of a long day.
Taylor Harkness
Strengthen and open up the shoulders with the help of twists and strong poses. Get ready to move in this active practice building into a surprise peak pose known as “cutie pie crow.”
Dayna Seraye
A gentle sequence of movement and breath to help release the mind chatter and find spaciousness before sleep. Explore breathing practices, restorative poses for turning inward, and close in a restful savasana.
Rodney Yee
A mid-day refresh to release tension throughout your body and re-energize your workday. Begin lying down with leg and hip stretches, and release tension in the head, neck, and shoulders. Move into kneeling movements for playful exploration, then into standing for strong, grounded postures. Close the practice lying down to observe your breath and continue your day renewed.
Steph Schwartz
Step into the heat of the practice with movement, breathwork, and mudras for focus. Open with chanting OM, kapalabhati (skull-shining) breath, and active movement. Leave feeling reinvigorated and inspired.
Rodney Yee
Start the day with a well-rounded practice to invite steadiness and balance in the mind and body. Begin with strong standing and balancing poses for grounding and vitality, then move to the ground for seated spinal and hip movements, forward bends, and reclined hamstring stretches.
Dayna Seraye
When it’s cold outside and you’re stuck inside, turn to this well-rounded flow to move your energy and warm your body and heart. Explore a series of side and heart-opening postures that get you moving.
Tiffany Bush
Need a break? Use this practice to counteract the effects of chronic sitting including the shortening of the hip flexors. Lengthen and strengthen the hip flexors and low back with standing poses, lunge variations, and spinal movements.
Nico Luce
Get grounded in this slow-paced practice focused on your hips. Through gentle floor-based hip openers, spinal movements, and twists, you will find an easy seat leaving you calm, steady, and peaceful.