Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is a powerful teacher of applied spiritual wisdom, known for her capacity to kindle meditative states in others, and to help students work with meditative experience as a framework for practical life-change. She teaches teleclasses, retreats, and workshops, appearing at conference centers such as Esalen and Kripalu. Sally is the author of ‘Meditation for the Love of It’, which Spirituality and Health magazine called ‘the meditation book your heart wants you to read.’ She writes a regular column, ‘Wisdom’ for Yoga Journal, as well as a column called ‘Meditation for Life’ on the Internet religious site

A former swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally’s teachings combine deep knowledge of the texts of yoga and tantra with practical wisdom from contemporary psychology and integral thought.

Sally’s latest book, Awakening Shakti, gives you access to powerful tools for tuning in to the transformative power of the sacred feminine.

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500 classes found

Colleen Saidman Yee
A vigorous practice to increase blood flow and spine mobility to leave you feeling balanced and invigorated. Flow through strong standing poses, stretches for the hips and hamstrings, then move to the ground for a gentle inversion and final relaxation.
Tiffany Bush
Create strength and stability in your hamstrings as you learn to engage and focus on these muscles through pulsing and longer held poses. A great balancing practice for the glutes, hips and whole lower body.
Dayna Seraye
One of the core desires of the soul is for growth, which comes through challenge. Cultivate your superpowers to face any challenges in this invigorating, energetic practice inspired by hatha and kundalini movement.
Steph Schwartz
Take a break from work with this well-rounded, accessible slow flow. With lots of options for practicing in a small space (office, cubicle, etc.), move through standing stretches for the shoulders, spine, hips, and low back.
Dayna Seraye
Release emotional tension and clear the second chakra through powerful prana practices, sound, and deep hip openers. Feel what you feel and let it go.
Jafar Alexander
You are the rock that life’s waves crash against. Find your steadiness through this practice of postures for your hips and spine and become the grounding force that is undisturbed through any changes that come your way.
Taylor Harkness
An accessible, anytime practice for your digestive health. Practice gentle twists, knee hugs, massage and belly rolls to stimulate and soothe.
Colleen Saidman Yee
A gentle practice for navigating the grief of a loss. Begin curled up on your mat and honor the place where you’re starting. Slowly unwind the body and acknowledge present-moment sensations through sound and awareness while staying in the here and now.
Dayna Seraye
Cultivate resilience in this strong continuous-movement flow with a focus on creating space in the heart area. Begin with light instruction on strengthening, heart-opening poses, then move through a vigorous flow with space to feel into your breath. Close with a few gentle poses and option for savasana.
Rodney Yee
Invite ease and lightness into days that feel heavy or stressful. Feel your emotions and let them flow through you with this steady practice full of grounded standing poses.
Steph Schwartz
Spin circles on your mat and get twisted with this well-rounded mandala-style flow. Open with a chant of the bija mantra (seed sound) "yam" before moving into the physical practice full of stretchy, strengthening twists leading to a fun variation of side crow.
Nichole Golden
A postnatal practice to gently build stability in your hips and pelvic floor through toning and strengthening shapes.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Cultivate a state of internal balance in the midst of movement. Explore transitions and balancing postures, such as side plank and airplane pose to develop strength and steadiness.
Taylor Harkness
Clear your mind while moving through all the areas of the body that tend to get stiff from hours of sitting and studying. Enjoy some fluid stretches before returning to your studies.
Colleen Saidman Yee
Wake up with this sweet, vitality-boosting practice for sustained energy throughout the day. Start slow and low to the ground, then gradually increase the intensity while working into each major area of the body. Close the practice with tension-relieving stretches and final relaxation to help keep the body humming all day long.
Uma Ashleigh Sergeant
Energize and mobilize your spine with this morning practice. Awaken your breath, activate your core and charge your legs, so you can begin your day centered in connection and strength.
Steph Schwartz
Fire up and move stress out of your body. Start with breathwork and powerful hasta mudras (hand gestures) to move stuck energy out of your system. Build heat as you activate your core, hips, and legs with options for arm balances.
Nichole Golden
This practice is singularly focused on gently releasing built-up tension and tightness in the IT band. The IT band (Iliotibial band) is the wide band of fibrous tissue on the outer line of your thighs, running from outer hip to outer knee, which can cause discomfort for runners.