Bernie Clark

With a bachelors degree in science from the University of Waterloo, Bernie Clark has been teaching yoga and meditation since 1998.
His combination of passion with scientific investigation creates a wholly unique approach that keep his students coming back. Calling Vancouver, Canada his home, Bernie regularly conducts workshops and teacher trainings through the year on top of his normal yoga and meditation classes at the Semperviva yoga Studios.
Bernie Clark's natural curiosity fuels his ongoing studies into mythology, comparative religions, and psychology. These avenues of exploration clarify his understanding and deepen his appreciation of the ancient Eastern practices of yoga and meditation. His teaching, workshops and books have helped many students broaden their own understanding of health, life and the source of true joy.
Bernie's yoga practice encompasses the hard, yang-styles, such as Ashtanga and Power yoga, and the softer, Yin-styles, as exemplified in Yin yoga. He is the author of YinSights: A Journey into the Philosophy & Practice of Yin Yoga, The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga, and From the Gita to the Grail.
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