Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

210 classes found

Yoga Every Day
Bring your gaze downward in this sweet practice to root your energy and focus. Anchor yourself in standing balancing postures and backbends through the power ofyour gaze (drishti).
Yoga Every Day
Increase the potency of your practice by learning the traditional drishti (focus). Your focused gaze can drop you into a deeper, more meaningful space for your practice.
Yoga Every Day
Practice turning your gaze inward while moving through poses that encourage introspection and focus.
Yoga Every Day
Release some tension from your neck and shoulders with a simple sequence. Internally, consider what it means to have faith in the unfolding of your life.
Yoga Every Day
Attempt a playful arm balance and open your hips to let go of some of the seriousness of life.
Yoga Every Day
The mind's natural tendency is to seek out pleasure and run from pain, but by learning how to love what is, you can begin to live life in a true state of joy. This practice of backbends, heart openers, and strength building poses invite you to embrace the whole experience, leaving nothing behind.
Yoga Every Day
Invite peace of knowing that everything in your life is in divine alignment. By recognizing that you are right where you need to be, right now, you begin to trust the sacred orientation of life. Explore a variety of backbends and balance to find the trust.
Yoga Every Day
One of the most beautiful aspects of having a yoga practice is that you can show up just as you are each day. This bliss-filled practice asks you to show up and feel that your yoga practice is always open to you, completely free from judgment and expectation.
Yoga Every Day
There are three sides to every story: your side, the other side, and the neutral side. This practice reminds you to look at the bigger picture and to move outside your comfort zone with a variety of balancing and hip opening postures.
Yoga Every Day
Radically crush any limited beliefs and ideas through poses designed to open your hips and fly above the ground. As humans, we have a tendency to make ideas, theories, and conclusions even when in reality we have very little information. Moving beyond ideas allows you to escape the suffering that comes from this thick veil of illusion.
Yoga Every Day
In Sanskrit, ‘Sat’ means ‘inner truth’. It is through this truth that we begin to lift the veils of illusion and clarify our perspective. Use poses to help you seek truth, embody truth, and speak truth through this practice.
Yoga Every Day
Choose to have faith in the graciousness and goodness of the world as you move through this backbend-focused practice. Embracing this concept, although sometimes difficult, can allow a peaceful existence and a solid trust that life is for you, not against you.
Yoga Every Day
Get off the fast track and into the leisure lane with this slower-paced practice. Focus on your quads, shoulders, and luxurious twists as you take your time to appreciate your body, breath, and the time you have been given.
Yoga Every Day
Slowing down your breathing is a sure-fire way to slow down other areas in your life. Bring your intention to a slow, mindful breath as you practice and close with some slow pranayama (breath work).
Yoga Every Day
Weave intention into each breath and every posture in this practice. As you focus on finding binds in various poses, look to find space at your heart center.
Yoga Every Day
This practice asks you to slow down and be patient as you find the still point in your body and mind. As you move slowly through poses that target hips, hamstrings, and improving your balance, look for insight, resolution, and ease to follow.
Yoga Every Day
Bring slow, mindful intention to your movement on the mat. As you slow down, focus your attention on opening your hamstrings.
Yoga Every Day
Get deep into your hips and hamstrings as you return to your inner awareness for a sense of connection and home.