Yoga Every Day
Season 14 . 15 Episodes TV-G

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Heart Wings & Hamstrings (Preview)

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

Not sure where to start? Yoga is a journey! We recommend trying a few teachers and focuses so you can begin to build a playlist of familiar practices and discover the instruction style that works for you.

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Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
17 mins TV-G
Focus on opening through your chest and shoulders as extensions of your heart center. Give your hamstrings some love with forward folds sprinkled throughout. Close with a final rest in savasana.
16 mins TV-G
Luxuriate in deep hip-openers with focused attention on breath and awareness. Move stuck and stale energy and liberate creativity, pleasure, and flow in the sacral chakra.
16 mins TV-G
Activate your strong core with several powerful pranayama (breath work) exercises and holds in high plank and forearm plank.
16 mins TV-G
It is said that one’s true age is determined by the health of the spine. Focus on poses that create spinal strength and flexibility and allow for the softening and opening of the heart.
16 mins TV-G
It takes courage to not only let go of the old, but to let go of what we can’t change. Inspired by a lion’s courage, this practice invites us to accept ourselves and call new beginnings into our lives.
16 mins TV-G
Use the power of intention for change and explore a backbending, hip-opening practice. Through intention, we can alert the universe that we are serious about changing our patterns rather than being afraid of them.
16 mins TV-G
We can learn to embrace change by leaning into our fears. Through core strengthening and arm balances, we play in the discomfort zone to find the awesome on the other side of awkward.
17 mins TV-G
Enjoy a practice of deep breathing and deep twisting poses to revitalize mind and body.
16 mins TV-G
Access your inner power through warrior poses in this strengthening and grounding flow. Durga is an archetype who reminds us to root deeply into our truth and love so that we are unswayable to the forces that try to knock us off our center.
13 mins TV-G
Cultivate steadiness and balance in life by practicing poses that help hone your center of gravity and find full-body alignment. Begin standing with simple sun salutations before moving into a series of standing balancing postures.
17 mins TV-G
Relax and ground the nervous system with a powerful breathing practice followed by nourishing restorative postures. Alleviate stress as you learn to breathe with your full lung capacity.
17 mins TV-G
Using breathwork and balancing posture, develop a solid foundation to remain stable throughout the day. Navigate through the gateways of possibility as you explore Ganesha in order to root down and rise up!
16 mins TV-G
Create more room in your heart space in this heart-activating, backbending sequence. Cultivate full love for the places you've made peace with and send invitations of peace to the other spaces..
15 mins TV-G
Release tension in your chest, neck, and shoulders through standing and supine shoulder-openers.
15 mins TV-G
Dedicate this practice as a gift to the self. Begin with some gentle seated twist to get your gratitude moving in preperation to move through this hip opening, twisty sequence to detox your body and mind!